Blind area measurement with mobile robots
Girgin Sertan, Sahin Erol
We are interested in the problem of how a mobile robot can measure the
area of a closed region that is beyond its immediate sensing range.
Our inspiration comes from scout worker ants who assess potential nest
cavities. These scouts work literally in dark to assess arbitrary
closed spaces. Experimental studies have shown that the scouts can
reliably reject nest sites that are small for the colony. These
studies support the hypothesis that scouts use the ``Buffon's needle
method'' to measure the area of the nest. We have implemented the
Buffon's needle method on a simulated mobile robot system and
evaluated its performance through systematic experiments. The results
show that the method can reliably measure the area of closed regions
regardless of their shape and compactness, and that the method is
undisturbed by partial barriers placed inside these regions.