Control >> Finding object/goal Finding object/goalIn this section we describe the controller used for the s-bots to find an object/goal. As mentioned in the introduction, this is not a basic behaviour but one of the main behavioural capabilities that the s-bots should display to solve the scenario. Unlike most of the other described controllers, we use a behaviour based architecture to control an s-bot. In general, we want to apply swarm intelligence methods, which take inspiration from social insect colonies, to allow a swarm of robots to solve complex tasks, while using simple control strategies for an individual robot. In order to find an object/goal, the s-bots have to explore the environment. In ant colonies the problem of exploration and navigation is solved by establishing paths. This is done in a very simple and distributed manner. Ants lay trails of pheromone, a chemical substance that attracts other ants. Deneubourg et al showed that the process of laying a pheromone trail is a good strategy for finding the shortest path between a nest and a food source, thereby establishing a path that others can follow. Inspired by this methodology of path establishment by pheromone laying, our approach to exploration is to use a chain of robots, a concept previously introduced by Goss et al, where the robots themselves act as trail markers, or beacons, in place of pheromone trails. We define a robotic chain to be a sequence of robots, where two neighbouring robots can sense each other and the distance between them never exceeds a certain maximum sensing range. In our case, the robots can visually sense each other by means of the omni-directional camera.
Control >> Finding object/goal |
Swarm-bots project started on October 1,2001 |
The project terminated on March 31, 2005. |
Last modified: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 11:26:47 +0200 |
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